After Your Site Evaluation Is Complete

Suitable or Provisionally Suitable Sites

Protect your system area from construction traffic.

Use flags, caution tape or other barriers to prevent vehicle traffic on the system area. Let subcontractors know that this area is for the installation of a lateral field and can not be disturbed. Soil compaction on your system area will void site approval.


Do not modify the system area.

Do not grade or add fill soil to your system area. Lateral lines must be installed in undisturbed soil. Modifying the soil on your system area will void site approval.


Do not make changes to the site plan after the site evaluation is complete.

Site approval applies only to the system area designated on your site evaluation. If the site designated on your site evaluation is not available, site approval will be void. Contact Anderson County Health Department prior to making any changes on your site plan.


If your site is compacted, modified or changed any prior site approvals become void. A second site evaluation will need to be completed. The fee for the second evaluation is $400

Unsuitable Sites

If your site evaluation determined that your lot was unsuitable due to shallow rock or heavy clay soils you may be able to create a suitable area for the installation of a lateral field. The creation of a suitable lateral field is known as a “fill and wait.” During this process an area on your lot is filled with good quality top soil. This soil must then be allowed to settle for one year. The lateral field may be installed after the one year settling period ends.

The Anderson County Health Department requires that “fill and wait” sites be installed by a certified installer.

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